Friday, September 25, 2015

September 25, 2015;

Wow, I am sorry that it has been so long since I last posted.  School and work combined this year are really just pushing me and I don't have a lot of free time when after you factor those two things in.  I am taking 18 credit hours this semester at school and then I work between 30-39 hours a week, but it is normally up between 37-39 and that is killing me.  I recently have told my manager that I need to get back down to the lower 30s because these last two weeks if I didn't have some really awesome friends who let me use their study guides I probably would have failed all of the tests that I had.

Anyway, when I do have free time which is usually about once a week I am normally trying to catch up on all my homework which can be a struggle in itself.  I also spend quite a bit of time with Corey when it is possible, we both work such busy schedules that sometimes it is only for an hour or two after one of us gets off work (usually after I get off work because I get off later), but it is working out.

Speaking of classes though, mine are going well.  Like I said, I am so thankful that I have friends who are willing to help me out when I am so busy because otherwise I would be doing far worse in all of my classes I almost guarantee it.  But I have A's in all my classes but one which is all messed up because of a quiz that I did really bad on, but that'll be okay after this test for that class that I took today gets graded because I'm fairly sure that I did well on it.

Anyway, I don't know too much else other than I am extremely exhausted because I didn't sleep too well last night and what I did sleep about three hours of it I had big black Labrador feet in my back.  I am very ready to be able to sleep in tomorrow for the first time in a while!

"I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." - Vincent Van Gogh