Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014;

I have to get one more post in before this month is over.  I really have been a mess to keep track of this last month.  I am still way behind on my 365 uploading photos.  I have been doing so many things that I just cant seem to keep up and I don't seem to have time to get things like that done.  I am off work this Sunday and I get off of work tomorrow at six so I am planning on getting all of my homework done, getting all those photos uploaded... or at least only leaving like six... then also try to post at least one day on this blog. 

Well, since my last post I got my car fixed.  It turned out to be my coil spring on my car rather than the strut that was broken.  Though not only was it broke on the passenger side... the dang car had to have broken both of them.  Like everyone including myself was like how does this even happen? Whatever it was with the towing of the car that shot the $290 out of my pocket, gotta love it.  Like I said guess there will be no conference for Shelby this summer.

Another thing that has happened since I posted last, is I turned in my petition to live off campus next year.  I do not fit criteria for them, but I am hoping for an exception.  I really can't afford to live on campus anymore and it makes it hard for me to stay for work over breaks.  I pay more money basically per meal on campus because of how often I actually get to eat here than I would if I was to go out to eat a decent sit down restaurant.  It's ridiculous!

On the 24th Brendan and I decided that we were going to make a 10 o'clock date to IHOP! It was lovely.  I got to have peach crepes and I have to say that they were absolutely delicious.  Second date for us.  We also specifically declared which day we actually started dating because I don't think we really had an idea just kinda happened.  So it's been almost a month, not that I'm all over the celebrating every single month thing, but I am just mentioning it.

Anyway, I need to really do some homework now.  I haven't really been in my own dorm room for the last like seventy-two hours! I kind of make myself scarce and am elsewhere most of the time.  The only time I have really been in here before now was when I was getting ready to go to work, after work and showering, or just getting stuff before class.  Today I had class from 10-12, then I went to a thing about modern day slavery which is an insane thing that I didn't know was such a prevalent problem in the world.  There are about 27 million people in slavery currently! That is a insane statistic that sickens me, it's awful.  Then I had another class from 1-2, and then spent a little time with Brendan from 3-4:45 when I had to go to work. 

I worked from 5-10:30, I was so ready to get off work when time came though, I am so tired right now, but I need to do more homework before I actually go to sleep.  I have to be back at work in twelve hours and ten minutes! I better get to work!

"The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in others." - Anonymous

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 23, 2014;

Yeah, this has just became a write whenever you honestly have time kind of thing.  I don't know what made me think that I honestly was going to be able to type every single day.  I did a good job for a couple of weeks, but then this month has been an honest disaster.  Out of the last twenty-three days I have done a total of six posts over days this month.  That is awful. Oh well.

Well today has been an interesting day.  I would say that it was exciting because it was, but it also wasn't all the fun to start out with.

So, I left for Sara's and when I started over there I heard something on my car but it sounded like just when my car is being a pain to turn the wheel so I didn't think anything of it because I didn't hear it again.  Well, after I picked her up we were on our way out of Fayette and then there goes my tire! We didn't even make it out of the city limits. Damn thing just blew, like completely destroyed.  So we got someone to come and change it for us, well after he got the tire off he was like, "We have bigger problems than just a blown tire," and of course I just say "Oh god what?" Apparently my strut is destroyed and we were able to drive the donut tire back to Sara's but even right as I pulled into her driveway that was destroyed as well.  I swear, this car is more than it is worth, I wish that I had to money to get a new vehicle, but that won't happen for years I can almost guarantee that.

Anyway, I didn't get to go home like I really wanted to do so.  I am kind of upset because I don't know the next time that I will be able to get to go home.  Oh well I guess, I swear it just really sucks.  Also, because I am going to have to pay for my car and a new tire, that means that I am very unlikely to be able to go the conference in Florida to start a UChapter of To Write Love On Her Arms here at Central.  I think that I am more upset about that than anything else because it honestly is something that means the world to me, and I really really wanted to be able to do that this summer.  I guess that there is next year, but I didn't want to wait until next year to start it because I think that it is something that I would love to start right now.  Though I won't argue if anyone wants to donate to the help Shelby go to Florida fund so that she can do this thing she is oh so passionate about, that would be awesome but I know that asking for that is preaching to a choir that doesn't exist.  Oh well.

Since my tire blew Sara took me out to lunch today though.  We were going to go to Cracker Barrel but that place was absolutely packed it was kind of insane how many people were there, so we went to TGI Friday's instead.  It was absolutely delicious! I had a Jack Daniel's chicken sandwich, that has to be one of my favorite things there.  Then we went to Lucky's Market which is a new natural grocers store, we spent way to much time in there, I swear when you let me and Sara go into a natural foods store we are just like kids in a candy store we go down every aisle and just look at everything and are like "Look at this!" I don't think that I could ask for a better best friend because I am pretty sure that no one else would get just as excited about food as we do and I don't want it any other way than it already is.

Then after we got back we picked up Brendan and went back to Sara's house because she said that he needed to hang out with us more.  He had to study though so while he was studying, Sara typed up the petition for me to live off campus hopefully, and I did my religion vocab quiz and took my art history quiz which didn't take me all that long.  We order Casey's pizza for dinner and then Sara' brought us back to campus.  I am working on this over in his room while he studies now.  I have photos for my 365 to work on as well since I am so behind. I am still like twenty-two days behind which is absolutely awful.  I remember to take the photo, but I just don't seem to ever have time to get them all uploaded I need to get my act together because I have a little over three more months before it is done.

Anyway, that's just a little update on my life.  Nothing major other than not getting to go to something that I was actually looking forward to going to, but it'll be alright. Life happens.

"It all comes down to the last person you think of at night. That's where your heart is." - Anonymous

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17, 2014;

It's been six days since I actually posted.  I have been so busy, and honestly there just has been so much stuff going on and I haven't even opened my computer since Thursday night I don't think.  I seriously just have been doing so many other things, and that is why I am finally doing a post because I have been so busy, that I really need a break.

Anyway, there are some good and not so good things having to do with school that has happened since the 11th.  First off, that test in statistics that I thought I might have gotten a C on, ended up being a D, and not even a high D, no I got a 63% on it! The whole class did pretty bad which isn't a good thing because the teacher said that is usually the highest scored quiz and this next one is usually the worst.  So far though this time, I am understanding the probablilty stuff really well.  Like I am finishing it all before other people in class are and I just get it, hopefully the rest of this test is the same way.

The next thing though is really awesome.  All that studying that Brendan and I did for the Art History slide quiz really paid off for the both of us.  We both actually got the two highest scores in the class, me somehow managing to get a 102% which I am still FLOORED by because I was assuming and A, but I really didn't think that I had enough information on all of them to get myself an A+.  The teacher actually had posted the grades that night and Brendan texted me and told me what he got, and I looked at mine while I was at work and I was absolutely amazed.  Apparently if I study I really can do things, but its just the sense of me trying to study that is really hard for me sometimes. I really need to get better at things like that because that math test shows that I really need to work harder.

The rest of the week basically continued in a normal week like fashion, I did homework, I worked, I hung out a little with Brendan and Sara during the week.  I went to Dos with Sara on Thursday night because it sounded really really good! I really need to start watching money though because its going to be rough before too long because I'm not going to be able to puck up the hours in Boonville for very much longer either I don't think and also there is a possibility that Isaac is probably going to come back to our store, though Mindy said he probably wouldn't be getting any of my hours since I am the one who needs the most out of the three of us whose hours will drop. Then that night I went and watched some Arrow, Dexter, and one episode of Sailor Moon. :P

Then Friday was Valentine's Day.  I had to work until 10:30 and told Brendan before that he didn't need to get me anything, be he demanded that it was Valentine's Day so yeah he did.  Anyway, I worked until 10:30 and then after I got off of work I showered and then went to see him.  He got me a stuffed bear and some puppy chow. He's a sweetie - even though he just shot the top of my pen at me while he is supposed to be studying for whatever class he is studying for!

Saturday I wasn't supposed to be at work until 4:30, but Mindy texted me and asked if I could come in at three so I said yeah, then she changed it to two and I asked if 2:30 would work which she said was fine, so Saturday I got to work an eight hour shift.  It really wasn't all too bad, then after work I spent more time with Brendan. I swear most of this weekend if I wasn't at work I was probably spending time with him because everyone else was busy this weekend.

Sunday I had to go to work in Boonville at 11:30 until six, it really was rather boring for part of the time that I was there there wasn't much business, so time went by really slow. Then I was up until like one working on Psychology homework which I didn't even finish.

I ended up getting up at like 8:15 this morning and finishing said psychology homework, then going to all my classes.  I am extremely exhausted and I can't really even figure out why.  I have to work in Boonville again tonight where I close so I am hoping that it won't be all that bad.  We will just have to see though.  Brendan is studying for something currently as I type this.  Just got told something about red blood cells, don't have a clue about any of it.

Anyway, hopefully work goes decent, and I actually can get some amount of sleep tonight, but who knows because I have quite a bit of stuff that I need to get done before Wednesday, but I'll get it figured out.  Just going to be a slightly long week, but oh well.

"What is done in love, is done well." - Vincent van Gogh

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February 11, 2014;

Yesterday was just a long day.  Woke up at like 7:45, but then after I went back to my own dorm I slept again until my alarm went off at 9.  Though when it did that I was rather disoriented and totally didn't know what day it was.  Anyway, then I had class at ten which wasn't much of anything besides us going over what we had read in The Red Badge of Courage. After that though was my Statistics exam, that really was ugly.  I really am not all that sure about what I go, hoping for a C, but honestly I have no idea. :/  Then I ate lunch which really wasn't much of a lunch because I honestly ate potatoes and cheesecake for lunch, after I ate a cookie for breakfast... I'm so nutritional.

Then I also had an exam in Psychology but I don't think that it really went too bad besides the short answers, because one of them I had absolutely no idea what I was writing and I feel like when she reads it she is going to just be like this girl isn't the smartest of people.  We will see though! I think I did fine on it though, no failing that's for sure.

After that I went to Dollar General with Katelyn as well as the bank because I had to deposit something for Sara because she had no way to get to the bank before they closed today.  I resisted buying anything at Dollar General even though I really wanted to buy myself a stuff Valentine's bear just because it was absolutely adorable. 

After I got back though Brendan and I studied for Art History because we have a slide quiz today.  It is going to be absolutely awful and I'm kind of worried about it.  Sara told me that I will do fine, but I really just don't know.  then I had to meet with my Psychology group, and after that Brendan and I went to Taco Bell then coming back and studying more for Art History in my room until almost one when I finally went to bed.

Today has consisted of getting up and taking an online quiz for Religion rather than having to go to class which was much better other than my cord for my internet wouldn't move so I had to sit on the floor because my WiFi wasn't working with myCMU, oh well though.  Then I took a shower and since then I have been doing like nothing besides being on the computer.  Listening to some Pandora right now, going to go eat lunch after I get this posted, and then go to Art History for that awful slide quiz. 

I also work tonight at 5, so I figured I would type this up right now because I doubt that anything else exciting will happen, and if I didn't type it up now then I probably wouldn't type one for today.  I am trying to get myself back on track again. 

"Sometimes you just need someone to tell you that you're not as terrible as you think you are." - Anonymous

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February 9, 2014;

It's late, but after being told multiple times - okay like three - that I needed to do my post because I haven't been keeping up with it I decided that Brendan is probably right and I really should get my shit together a little bit and at least give some amount of update in here.

There has just been so much that is going on. I just have to say though that I am happy with everything that is going on in my life.  I actually think that I am happier than I have been in a long time.  It really is one of the most amazing feelings to be happy again, and I am so glad to be able to say that I am again.

Anyway, its really just work and school and homework and sleep. Then when it isn't one of those four things, anymore I am either with Sara or Brendan.  It really sounds like I am not that exciting of a person which really is kind of truthful, but whatever I don't mind, I really do enjoy everything that is going on with my life for right now. And, I just realized that I just said basically the same thing like three times in the last two paragraphs, whatever...

Yesterday I worked from eleven to two and then went back to my dorm, showered, and then got changed.  Brendan came over and we just hung out until we left for Columbia.  We went and ate at The Macaroni Grill and then we went and saw That Awkward Moment. Then we just went back to Fayette and hung out and watched some stuff on the computer before he went back to his dorm, and I actually got some sleep because I had to get up at a set time because of work. It was definitely a good night, and I have nothing to complain about it for any reason at all.

Then today I had to go to work at the Subway in Wal-mart.  No big deal, other than the fact that it snowed while I was there so roads we a little bit slick, but nothing too bad.  After I got back, I grabbed my computer talked to Tori a little bit and then went and met Sara so I could go back to her house with her for dinner.  We had spaghetti with Italian sausage, then we colored Sara's hair and I managed to dye the bottom of my feet in spots and on my hand, and I have no idea how I managed to do that but I did.  Maybe I am just a clutz, it's whatever!

I have two exams tomorrow, hopefully they both go well tomorrow, but I guess that we will just have to see! I also gotta study for some stuff tomorrow night too, so much to do.

Here is my quote for the day, one from my absolute best friend.  I love her to death.

"Letting someone write pages in your story is hard, but maybe if you let yourself open up to collaboration, those would be the best pages ever written." - Sara Glynn

Oh, and Brendan if you are reading this... It's currently five to twelve.  Giraffes, are kicking the Cookie Monster's butt. (:

Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2, 2014;

So, I woke up this morning and looked outside and was worried that the roads had actually gotten worse since last night, but they actually weren't.  I ended up making it to work without really any kind of trouble. Though it was a real pain in my butt to get my car uncovered because there was so much ice that was one it.  It was really rather annoying and I'm surprised I didn't cut my hand on any ice that I was scraping off because it was breaking off in really sharp pieces.

I only had to work for four hours, so it really didn't take all that long before I got to leave.  It was an interesting shift change but we really aren't going to go into that because I just think it's dumb and it's funny.

When I came back to Fayette, Sara came over to the dorm so that we could watch the Super Bowl.  Yeah, that totally did not work out in the way that we were hoping.  Sara is from Colorado so she is a HUGE Broncos fan, and since she is my best friend I cheer with her, and even some how have managed to understand some amount of what is happening.  Well, that game was lame because they did awful.  We actually gave up right after the half time show and took Taylor his backpack because he forgot it in Sara's car.  Then we came back, Broncos lost, boooooo, and I have really just been sitting on my bed all night since then.

The only things I have eaten today is Rotel dip which I didn't even eat until after five, and then some cereal.  Such a nutritious day... NOT! :(

My life really isn't very exciting and am going to find something to take a picture of now and then just chill and upload 365 photos because I have neglected it for over a week.  It needs to be done.  Anyway, lazy Sunday night.  Also, forgot to say that I jokingly got called a stalker. :P

This is how I sometimes feel:

"Right now, I just want someone to kiss my forehead and tell me how lucky they are to have me." - Anonymous.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1, 2014;

Today has been a really lazy day.  Sara and I were going to go to Columbia today to go out to lunch.  Two things prevented that from happening.  One it got so icy last night that we weren't going to be able to make it to Columbia and also we slept until eleven so even if we were going to go to Columbia we wouldn't have been going for lunch.

Instead we decided that we were going to just go to C&R and buy things for lunch and dinner and a snack.  It took us almost twenty minutes to get the ice off of Sara's vehicle.  Then we got a Tony's hamburger pizza for lunch, and we bought the stuff for Rotel dip, cowboy casserole, and brownies.  We came back and made our pizza and started the dip.

Then Sara and I just watched things on Netflix until almost six when Taylor came over and then we went and picked up Brendan after we had put the cowboy casserole in the oven.  After we picked him up we ran buy C&R again to grab one other thing and then went back to Sara's house.  We all had dinner which I would say really wasn't all that bad.  I am glad that I got to make a few more things that I am going to add to my other blog.  I am actually really excited to do that because I haven't updated that blog since end of last year, like November I think.

We ended up watching random things on Netflix and just talking.  It was nice to be able to hang out with people.  I stuck my toes under Brendan's leg because my toes were cold.  Which, by the way if you read this hope you didn't mind me invading your personal space and I'm glad that my friends didn't scare you off! :P

I got up and made brownies while we were watching Mean Girls, which wasn't exactly what I wanted to watch, but that's okay.  Then Sara and I took Brendan back to campus and then when we came back we had brownies and watched Mulan.  Now we are watching Jeff Dunham, I am not sure how much longer everyone is going to stay up because honestly everyone looks exhausted.

I am supposed to work at the Wal-mart Subway tomorrow, and I said that I would be able to make it.  I am worried though that if the roads freeze over again I am not going to be able to make it! :/ I am actually really concerned about that because I need the hours but I don't know if I can get there or not.  I guess that we will see tomorrow. 

Nothing else about today, probably will post to my food blog and then MAAAAAAYBE do a little bit of my math homework.

"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try." - Seth Godin

January 31, 2014;

Well, it's obvious that I am not doing the best job at doing this every single day.  There is honestly not enough hours in the day for me to do so.  Between class, homework, remembering to take a picture and also hanging out with my friends, I have kind of put this to the bottom of the list of things to do, but I am still going to try and post as often as I can.  It wasn't a resolution to write every single day, it was just something that I was going to try and do.

Anyway, yesterday I had class at 8:30 and then again at 1.  After class we had a work meeting from 3:30 until almost 5:30 because it took forever to get everything that we needed to get done, done because people kept coming in.  We got a new sandwich which we had to try and also we are getting rid of our regular pizzas and going to start making Flatizzas which is basically just flatbread pizzas.  We go one for free so I got free dinner which is okay.  It isn't as good I don't think, but they really aren't all that bad. 

After I finally got to leave the work meeting I went back to the dorms and Brendan came over.  We watched two episodes of Dexter and then exchanged ideas of what we like in music.  He told me that only 5% of my music is worth it (and I'm sure that you're going to read this...) but I don't agree.  Actually, I don't really care I am going to listen to what I want to.  Though, I will admit he does have good taste him music himself. Then we just continued to watch random videos on Netflix and YouTube ending with George Carlin.  He left around midnight and then I couldn't fall asleep until like one.  I hate when I am tired and then can't sleep after I finally decide to lay in bed.

Today wasn't as eventful as yesterday was though.  I really just went to class, then went to work, then came to Sara's.  She fell asleep on the couch within like twenty minutes of getting here.  Now I am just watching Malcom in the Middle and probably should go to sleep since we are going out to lunch tomorrow. 

This quote has nothing to do with anything that is going on, but I really love it.

"And in the end, we are all just humans, drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness." - Christopher Poindexter