Sunday, May 18, 2014

May 18, 2014;

Warning: This post is going probably turn out being super sappy and all up in the feelings, but I don't even care! Just thought I would warn everyone.

This picture was taken two years ago today.

Two years ago I graduated high school.  I was dead set determined that I knew what I was going to do with my life.  I was going to get married less than a month later, work for two years and then go back to school for myself to become an elementary teacher.

Things on that path have definitely changed.  While some followed through a lot of them did change in ways that two years ago I never would have expected them to. Today I sat in the bleachers of Paris R-II High School again, this time as an onlooker of the graduation of my best friend.  She has been there for me through everything and I don't know what I would do without her.

Danielle is the best friend that I gained and kept through high school.  She has been the one who has seen me through the hard times of everything from divorce to my first test and finals that I experienced my freshman year of college and I have seen her through some things as well.

At this time in my life I have changed my path.  I just finished my freshman year of college.  As planned I started out as an education major to become an elementary teacher only to change my mind along the way through the first semester and realize that I truly wanted to go into psychology and be a counselor.  I met Brendan in the process of this second semester and don't know what I would do without him.  One thing I do know is that I wouldn't have passed Art History with a 99% if it hadn't been for him pushing me to study and us studying together for those tests that set us so high up in the class from the very beginning.

Another thing that I have learned from the past two years is not to be afraid of change.  You can't change things that happen to you and you can't make them go the way you planned all of the time.  It really just doesn't work that way.  You just have to let things go the way that they are set out for you and follow those plans as they come along.  Sometimes things aren't at all the way they seemed to be in the beginning and those change you, but they can change you for the better. In the end it all works out for you and you find new experiences that you never would have known about it your original plans panned out.

So once again, I want to say congratulations to Danielle, the gorgeous best friend that I could ask for and a sister that I never had as well as congratulations to all of the other graduates of 2014, be it pre-schoolers, high schoolers, or college graduates! You all are set out to do great things and if you put your mind to it, it will happen!

"Just because your path is dark now doesn't mean that you won't see light again.  Maybe it just means you need to open a new door or pull that blindfold off your eyes to reveal the brightest light you have ever seen." - Shelby Baclesse (ME!)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

May 13, 2014;

Since I last posted in here a few things have happened, including:
  • Finishing my freshman year of college
  • Moving out of the dorms and in with my best friend
  • Sleeping on Sara's couch until her other roommate moved out
  • Getting all of my stuff moved in after she left last Sunday
  • Having yet to finish putting everything away
  • Finished my boyfriend's birthday present - who I would also like to mention is now a little over two hours away from me, and I miss him
  • And learning that I got all A's and B's in my classes for the semester
 It has been a little bit crazy the last few days with all of those things happening, but it is nice to finally be living with my best friend, we already made our first dinner as roomies! It is going to be a good summer as well as a good year next year I can already feel it.

Another thing that is happening is that I am getting more hours at work since it is summer. It is nice to be raised back up to the maximum number of hours that I am aloud to have again.  I do wish though I could have more, but because of all the new things I am not allowed which is stupid because I wouldn't even take the insurance offer that they give me since I am still on my step-dad's insurance from his work, but whatever it's fine I guess.

So that is what my summer is going to consist of working, spending time with Sara, seeing Brendan whenever possible even though I don't know how often that will be, and sleeping.  I mean I am sure that there are going to be other exciting things for me to talk about, but right now that is currently what I know is going to happen this summer besides a couple of concerts (Panic! At The Disco and Warped). It's going to be a good summer.

 Today was just a really long day. I didn't really do much besides sleep and work, but I worked for 8.79 hours today and it completely wore me out. I have pains in my legs and feet from being on my feet for a good amount of time.  I will survive though, I only work four hours tomorrow so I guess that counteracts it. Anyway, here is a quote:

"When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try and treat the world better than it treated you." - Patrick Stump

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014;

I know it has been too long since I last typed up a blog post.  My apologies but for the last few weeks it seems that all I have been is busy. My group in Psychology finished our experiment and presentation and everything, my group in religion finished our project and presented, I have had papers and work and everything has just been really kind of crazy.

This week is finals week.  This morning I had my statistics final at 7:30 in the morning.  I finished it feeling really really good about.  My feeling was actually right.  At dinner I was looking at my grades and saw that my grade had gone up to an 80%.  I already the night before had calculated that I needed and 86% to get a B with my homework included so I figured that was what I got.  NO! I looked at it just to see and found that I actually ended up with a 97% on my final test that I took this morning! I don't know how I did it because it meant that I missed one question! I was in complete amazement and I am so excited!

After the statistics final though I had my religion one at 10:30 and then my psychology one at 1:30.  Neither of those were that bad. After that I ran to the bank and then to Dollar General.  After that Brendan came over so we could study for Art History.  We actually ended up taking a nap for about an hour and a half because I was exhausted from getting up early and then we studied after that and went to dinner and then came back again to study some more.  We are also getting up a little after 9:30 and studying more before the final at 1:30. 

Then after that I only have one final left and I am done by 12:30 or earlier on Wednesday and I start moving everything into my best friend's house which will soon be my house as well! I cannot wait to do that.  We spend enough time together, it is going to be awesome to live together! We already have planned that we are going to have an ugly sweater party right after I move in and just are going to crank up the air and we both already bought our sweaters.  Also, we plan to have a Christmas one later! It is going to be pretty great!

I am going to try to do way better this month than I did last month. Especially since I will only be worrying about work and not school over the summer. It will be better.

Here is a good quote for the end of the semester:

"Why worry? If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better." - Walt Disney