Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 7, 2015;

I'm going to start this off by saying that right now stress is still pretty high for me.  A few more things have been coming up and I am just starting to look at a few different options that I don't know if I will be able to do or not. 

The biggest one is the idea of where I am going to live next year.  I have been stressing over who  am going to live with and it still just is not yielding any sort of response.  So lately I have been thinking about something completely different.  I am thinking about moving back into the apartment where I lived when I was still married because I could be alone and I could have my cats.  The problem with that idea though is the fact that the apartments themselves really aren't that great, but honestly it might be better than not having anywhere to go at all.  I also canceled two of my subscription boxes because I was thinking that I will need a little bit of extra money if I am going to move there, plus I really do need the extra money even if I don't move and maybe I will subscribe again in the future when I have more money.

So, that is something that I am having to think about right now.  Also the end of the semester is coming up and so everything school wise is starting to become a bigger mess.  I know that I will make it through all of it and come out in a good place at the end, but still its a mess.

Really there isn't much else going on right now with anything and I didn't really have anything else to talk about so I guess that this is all I have to put today.  Quote time!

"What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how its supposed to be." - Anonymous