Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16, 2015;

Well this year isn't starting out like last year did with posting all the time but that's okay, I still am going to make and effort to do so for this year and hopefully for years to come even though I won't be posting all the time it is still a way to remember stuff that was done.

Anyway, school started back Monday so with it now being Friday that means that already we have a week of the spring semester under our belts which I guess is kind of exciting. Brendan came back last Saturday and then on Sunday we went to see the last movie in the Hobbit movies which was really exciting and then for dinner we went to Olive Garden which was delicious! (Even though I did just have a brain fart because I had to ask where we even went and what day it was on).

Anyway other than that everything has just been class and work even though it feels like I haven't really even worked at all though I don't know why.  Last night at work was a struggle though becaue we were really busy because they had dinner in the field house rather than in the cafeteria at school so lots of the students came down to Subway for dinner instead.  I still got out of there on time but it just was a really long night. Also yesterday I got my third Love With Food box which is always and excitement because you never know what you are going to get in them.  I even had the Kettle Cooked Apples out of it and black tea this morning and carried my tea all the way to class because I had not finished it and I didn't want to waste it since it was good!

Tomorrow Brendan and I are going to go have dinner and also buy him some new shoes that aren't tennis shoes so that he has shoes for when we go on our anniversary date that look nicer.  Iam realy excited.  It seems kind of crazy that we have been together for a year come fifteen days from now! I can't wait to give him his present and also see what he got for me!

Welp, I have nothing else to say so I guess that it is quote time.

"I like people with depth, I like people with emotion, I like people with a strong mind, an interesting mind, a twisted mind, and also people that can make me smile." - Abbey Lee Kershaw

Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 3, 2015;

Well, it's a new year! I didn't write every single day in this blog last year and I obviously won't this year since it is already the third day of the year and I hadn't wrote anything until today.  Its been since before Christmas that I blogged even because I suck, there have been lots of days that I planned to but then didn't.  So in this blog I am going to write about my few days with Brendan and New Years Eve with him, but I will also just bullet a few other things about Christmas and such.
  • On the 20th I went to my step-dad's family Christmas
  • On the 21st I went to my dad's family Christmas
I say quite a few people that I don't see very often at both of these, and I got quite a few things at both of those.
  •  I went home on Christmas Eve after working until 7:30
  • Woke up Christmas morning and opened presents with my mom and step-dad
    • I got a new jacket from Forever21, new TOMS boots, a new Christmas ornament, along with lots of candy, some bathroom stuff, and a few other things from them.
  • We went to my aunt's house for mom's family Christmas later that day which was fun.  I don't get to see them very often either.  I also found out when my cousin is getting married this year which is exciting.  We also played Trivia Crack as a family which was hilarious.
  • I got to see Chad again on the 26th! I missed my best friend a ton, which is never a surprise and we had a lot of fun just having a late lunch/early dinner at the Chinese restaurant which us having fun talking and spending time together is also never a surprise. 
Anyway, on Monday I went to spend four days with Brendan.  It was lovely to be able to see him again because I hadn't seen him since we got out of school.  I went up there after I got off of work at 1:30 and made it there to see him by 4 or so.  We went to dinner at Farotto's for dinner that night with him mom and grandma around six and that was all that we did besides watched a little bit of Netflix.

Then on Tuesday we woke up and had breakfast, then just watched some Netflix before having my leftover chicken alfredo with mushrooms from the night before for lunch.  After that we ended up going to Ted Drewe's which was fantastic.  I had something called The Giant Pumpkin and it was vanilla custard with a piece of pumpkin pie mixed in (crust and all) and whipped cream on top, it was fantastic and he had an Oreo concrete! After that Brendan and I went bowling which was fun because I don't think that I have been bowling since I was like a sophomore in high school which was like five years ago and that is a little bit insane! I beat him on our first game but then he ended up beating me the next two games.  After that we went back to his house for a while before going to The Trainwreck for dinner.  I should have ordered a bison burger but instead just got a regular one and it was good still so I'm not going to complain.

Wednesday we didn't really do anything until around four-thirty when we left to go over to Brendan's dad's house.  I had taken a short little nap before that because I knew otherwise I was not going to make it to midnight and that was not acceptable on New Year's Eve! Anyway we went over there and put our stuff in the room for the night because his step mom wasn't home yet and then we just watched some TV and sat in the living room with his dad and little brother Gus.  Pretty soon Kelly came home and made her little appetizer before we left for Brendan's aunt's house which was where we were going to have the New Year's Eve party.

It has been since Good Friday since I saw any of Brendan's dad side of the family.  I really love all his family both his mom and grandma and all of his dad's side of the family.  It was good though because it was nice to see them all and they said it was nice to see me again as well and gave hugs and talked.  I feel right at home with his family and they make me smile and I can laugh and talk without feeling awkward around any of them.  Anyway the night consisted of eating and laughing and playing games and it was just lots of fun to spend time with them for New Year's Eve because if I had been at home I wouldn't have been doing anything.  I ate way too much that that is okay because it was a good time and all the food was delicious especially the crescent roll crab ragoon that Kelly made, mmmmm! IT was the best New Year's Eve that I have had in a LONG time!

We got back home around one and then Brendan and I fell asleep around one-thirty finally.  I woke up at nine and didn't get him to wake up until almost ten.  We laid in bed for a few minutes before getting up and then sitting in the living room.  Kelly made pecan cinnamon roll pancakes for breakfast (even though it was almost eleven) and they were delicious with a cream cheese frosting.  After that we went back to Brendan's house and I left at almost four.

I stopped at my mom's house instead of driving all the way back home and then decided to get up and go home the next day for work.  It is always nice to be able to stay there sometimes.

Now today I worked and then I have come home and all I have done is watch Law and Order: SVU with Sara.  I think that I am going to have cereal for dinner because I am crazy and don't want to cook and it just sounds good.

School starts in nine days and I am ready to see people but not ready to get back into classes but that's okay.  Anyway, it is quote time...

"We need people in our lives with whom we can be as pen as possible.  To have real conversations with people may seem like such a simple, obvious statement, but it involves courage and risk." - Thomas Moore