Friday, June 26, 2015

June 26, 2015;

First of all: LOVE WINS! Like I was so excited to find this morning when I woke up that the supreme court had ruled that the ban on marriage equality as unconstitutional! I am so happy to be living in a country that finally allows it.  It was a long road and took a while to get down it but I am so glad that we finally have. 

Second: I locked my keys in the car today.  To make it even better, I didn't have a spare at the time, and I was in Boonville at Wal-Mart.  Luckily I now know that the Boonville police will come and unlock the car with only a signature from you.  I am so thankful for that.  I also got an extra key made for it just so I have it and can't do that again.  But it was just a mess because it had already been a long day. 

Third: Corey and I played a prank on Liam at work today.  It was seriously one of the best things that happened all day long and I really can't believe that he believed us. 
I really have nothing else to say about today besides those three things.  So since I didn't give you a quote yesterday, have two today!

"I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." - Vincent Van Gogh
"Do not chase people. Work hard and be you. The right people who belong in your life will come and find you and stay. Do your thing." - Unknown

Thursday, June 25, 2015

June 25, 2015;

So the last couple of days have been interesting.  If you know me then you know everything that has been going on.   I am not going to go into too much detail about it right now,  but let's just say I was having a rough time a few days ago,  but I am getting better. 

I will say that I am definitely only doing so well because I have the friends that I have because without them in my life I don't know what I would do.   I made an unexpected trip Monday night to see a someone who I normally get to see maybe two times a year sometimes three if I am really lucky, and it was really a good thing for me even though leaving to drive two hours at 10:30 at night is a crazy thing that I will not be doing very often.  It was a great time though so I am very glad I gave in and went ahead and went.  

The only other thing that is happening right now is that I am working lots of hours,  I am going to betting a lovely sized check tomorrow with payday so I am not going to complain about it at all.   Today is my only day off so my dad came up to see my apartment and we went to lunch before he had to head back home.   Nothing else is happening.   I am typing from my phone (well actually my Bluetooth keyboard - that the same friend who I went to see in KC got me)  so I am not going to have a quote for you this post.  Again I am so thankful for my friends that I have because I don't know what I would do without them.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 20, 2015;

The other day I was talking to one of my best friends about a Halloween costume which led to me saying something about probably not needing one this year because I was most likely going to a concert.  This led him to say that I'm always going to a concert and my only response was because they make me happy.

This made me think though. I thought about all the concerts I've been to - which is enough that I can't count them on both of my hands. The amount of money that I, my friends, my boyfriend at the time, or my family has spent on the tickets and transportation to get me to these said concert venues. It made me think about what else that money could have bought me. what material things I could have had if I hadn't gone to those concerts.

Also though, it made me think of the experiences I have gained from the concerts. The car rides with friends where I've laughed and talked about so many things both to and from. Screaming at the top of my lungs either at the end of a song or lyrics to said song. Meeting new people who are now some of my best friends. Meeting members of bands who I've loved for years, getting signatures, pictures, hugs, and even having conversations with them at times. It was at a concert that I fell in love with the work that To Write Love On Her Arms does. It was at a concert where I really first realized that it was okay to be myself.

Then I think about the feeling that concerts give me. They really do make me happy. They make me feel alive. They make me feel accepted. I know that I'm a part of a fan base that also lives for the music we are listening to. When I'm in a crowd my claustrophobia doesn't kick in like it does in other crammed spaces or areas. I feel like I can breathe better in the environments of being surrounded by people who love music like I do.

And thinking about experience verses material objects I realize that all the money which has been spent on me going to concerts outweighs all the material objects I could have ever laid my hands on. It may be difficult for some people to understand that but that's okay that's just their way of living. I know that some people value the idea of things, but I value the idea of experiences. The idea of travel and concerts and shows and charity work. I would much rather have a memory and maybe a picture to show it all here or there than have some item which I may keep for some amount of time, but may not last forever. The memories will last, at least until I start to forget everything because of some other cause.

So would I trade all my experiences? Never. Am I okay with that? Absolutely.

"Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June 11, 2015;

This post is going to be something that with some people out there is a very controversial subject to express, but it is something I believe in so I'm going to do it.

As you may or may not know June is LGBT Pride Month.  If you know me, you would know that I very much am in support of marriage equality and I hope that before too long everywhere will recognize same-sex marriage especially in the United States, just because I live here and I have friends who are in same-sex relationships, and I fully believe that everyone deserves to be treated with the same respects and that everyone should be allowed to get married because same-sex marriage to me is just marriage.  We don't call it opposite-sex marriage, and I think that we should stop. 

I think that this is something that I surround myself with the people who agree with my beliefs and also believe in it as well which is great because while I do respect everyone's opinion sometimes other people's reasoning for why they don't like it make me aggravated.  One that I read just yesterday that sparked this in me was this article about the couple in Australia who said they will divorce if marriage equality passes there.  I don't understand how that is going to help anything, unless it just makes you feel better, but honestly all you are going to do is being raising the already high divorce rate of heterosexuals, so good job!

Also there are just so many other articles out there that have to do with people of other orientations other than straight showing how they are put through such a struggle all of the time because they are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, etc. Both with people who are famous and everyday people.


Some of the things I see online are so ridiculous that I don't even know what to think.

I do think we are moving toward it being legalized in at least most places.  I mean there are already multiple countries around the world where same-sex marriage is legal or at least is recognized as well as there being many states in the United States where it is legal or at least recognized.  So, we are moving the right direction even if there are still people who don't want it to happen.  I don't think there is any way of stopping it, more and more people are becoming more open minded about it or realizing that it isn't going to change their own marriages.  You don't have to be LGBTQ to want this for others, that's not a requirement. 

I just want to see a difference be made, I wand to see everyone be able to make their own decision on who they want to marry and be able to be in love with whoever they want to be without there being a ban telling them that they don't have the same rights as someone else just because they love someone who is the same gender.  That's not the right way to bring peace and organization to a country or anywhere for that matter. 

Let's work on this to make a difference and help spread awareness so maybe less hatred will shown towards other people.  Also, think about your words before you speak because you just never know who you have around you listening.

“There are people who have said that I’m being brave for being openly supportive of gay marriage, gay adoption, basically of gay rights but with all due respect I humbly dissent, I’m not being brave, I’m being a decent human being. And I don’t think I should receive an award for that or for merely stating what I believe to be true, that love is a human experience not a political statement. However, I acknowledge that sadly we live in a world where not everybody feels the same. My family and I will help the good fight continue until that long awaited moment arrives, when our rights are equal and when the political limits on love have been smashed.” - Anne Hathaway

Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015;

First off, I didn't mention it in my last post because I was so caught up in the whole TWLOHA thing, which is not a bad thing but I didn't even think about anything else.  Anyway... it is really already June, that doesn't seem right.  Its already been like a month since I got out of classes and I feel like I haven't done much of anything this summer. 

Saying that though it makes me think, what really do I do during the summer? I was working last year and I can't really remember what else I did other than go to Warped Tour. Seriously do I not do anything exciting anymore. 

It has made me think though what were things that I have done in the past which I don't do very often anymore.  One really big thing that I used to do a lot that has slowly stopped happening recently has been taking pictures.  I used to be mad for taking my camera every where that I went, if my camera wasn't strapped across my body and sitting comfortably against my hip then something wasn't right.  I haven't had my camera out since I had my photography class during the spring semester.  I don't know if that has to do with the fact that I lost interest from photography because of having to take so many pictures that I really didn't want to take even though there were so many that I actually really really loved that I took for that class.  I feel like I need to get back into it, but I don't know where to start.  I don't want to just become my twelve year old self taking pictures of my cats and self and other useless things.  I mean yeah, I am not against a picture of your animals or a selfie, because heck I'm more than guilty of both those things. 

But I want to do more.  I want to take pictures that I used to do back when I was taking pictures with my first 365 when I actually was inspired to do something different (not the days when I was in a hurry).  I want to do pictures like I did for my photography class but them be ones that I actually want to take and in my own time not something based on a deadline.  I want to do shoots with people, not even paid ones I don't care about that right now (thought the money would be nice) I just want to do another shoot.  I still want to do a pin-up shoot with someone because I see those pictures all over Pinterest and things and I think that it would be so much fun, but I hit a problem where I don't know who I would do that with. 

Maybe I just need to get back out there and start again.  I just need to come up with ideas and go out and execute them.  I just need to start doing it again.  Hopefully that is something that I will be able to start doing again before this summer is over.  I think that should be a summer goal for me.  Take at least one picture which I am proud of that is unique and not just something that is an everyday idea.  Maybe I will get out there and spell out some words with everyday objects again, even though that was one of the most difficult projects which I did.  Maybe I'll do that and that could be a gift for Christmas for some people again.  Maybe I will be able to do at least another shoot with someone, I don't know who but maybe it'll happen. 

Whatever it is, I just need to get out there and do it.

Have a quote for some inspiration: "The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." - Unknown

Thursday, June 4, 2015

June 4, 2015;

Today my heart is full. 

That's a weird way to start a blog post I know, but everything inside of me today has been good and happy.  I woke up this morning after getting very little sleep and then being woken by loud thunder and not being able to fall back asleep.  Sounds like a FANTASTIC way to start out your day right, yeah not really. 

Besides that rough start I decided to put the book I was currently reading on hold because last Sunday I got my copy of If You Feel Too Much by Jamie Tworkowski.  Now if you have no idea who that is or what that book is then hold on and I'll explain.  Jamie is the founder of the organization To Write Love On Her Arms which represents this:

To Write Love On Her Arms is a non profit movement dedicated to spreading hope and finding help for those suffering with depression, addiction, self-injury, suicide, eating disorders, anxiety, and other mental health issues. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and invest directly into treatment and recovery.

This organization has been with my for almost seven years now.  I bought my first shirt from them at Warped Tour 2008 when I was thirteen years old.  Since then I have learned the message, I have taken part in writing my own Fears vs Dreams, my reasons for why I can't be replaced, and why no one else can play my part. I have grown to love this organization like no other organization I have found.  Their values and beliefs speak true to mine, as a hopeful future counselor.

Now back to the book.  It's a small book, only 182 pages including Author's Note and About The Author, but even being that small normally I have to stop and put it down to do other things and would take at least two days to finish it.  No, not this one.  I finished If You Feel Too Much in less than twelve hours.  It would have been less time but I worked out and made lunch and did dishes and other stuff around the apartment. 

This book filled me with a joy and passion that I have felt before but not recently.  Recently there have been times when I haven't even been sure if I should be going into counseling, if that is my true calling.  This book pulled me back on track and made me realize that helping other people is what I want to do.  It made me remember why I wanted to be a counselor in the first place. 

Another thing it made me do?  It made me look into TWLOHA's internship.  Now, I don't have any money and it is unpaid so that was my big issue.  So, I have started a GoFundMe campaign and I hope to be able to raise the money that I need to raise for this dream and journey.  I will not be even applying until the internship for the summer 2017 has opened so I have time to raise this money.  Please if anyone can help even a donation of $5 or even $1 would be amazing and I would love everyone forever for it. 

Here is the link the the campaign: Click here to donate

Thank you very much for any support I have out there.